Sprout Classroom
ages 15 months-2.9 years as of September
“The teachers at CCG became like extended family. They knew our boy better than we did sometimes, and gently shared with us what they had learned about watching him with his peers. The level of care, creativity, and playful instruction given to students at CCG is unparalleled” -CCG parent
The children in the Sprout Classroom are busy learners who are encouraged to actively explore their environment. Teachers offer open-ended, hands on materials for children that provide a sense of wonder and discovery. The teachers provide opportunities for children to gain self-confidence and independence while still providing a very nurturing home-like environment. Children and teachers talk and read books throughout the day in order to promote language development and social experiences that help children learn about their world, themselves and their classroom community.
Our Sprout teachers use an emergent curriculum model and plan curriculum around the unique interests of the children in the classroom, using the children as their guides. Through observation and reflection, the teachers offer opportunities for the children to explore these concepts further through play, exploration, and investigation.